welcome one more person • impact one more life
chase one more opportunity
chase one more opportunity
WE’RE HERE TO HELP ONE MORE PERSON FIND AND FOLLOW JESUS. And we’re seeing that happen in a big way. Week in and week out, the power of an impacted life is on display across all generations. Children, teens and adults alike are finding Jesus, placing their identity and purpose in Him, and growing in their passion to follow Him.
Our communities are filled with people looking for a place to belong. We believe we’re in the midst of a counter-cultural movement. It’s happening now. And it’s just getting started.
In the two years leading into this campaign, we’ve seen 250+ people start or renew their relationship with Jesus, 130+ be baptized into new life, and 900+ first time guests walk through our physical doors. Online, over 37,000 unique users from all 50 states and 38+ countries have engaged with our worship experiences, totalling over 2,000,000 minutes watched!
WITH THE MOMENTUM GENERATIONS HAS and the booming population of Northern Colorado, we can’t help but expect that God has more for us in the future. We believe the best is yet to come! So, how do we get there?
When Jesus impacts our lives, the byproduct is that His love and kindness overflows to others around us. We become passionate about inviting people, welcoming them into the church, investing in their faith development, and giving generously of our resources to help one more person find and follow Jesus.
All for One is our dream to see each person at Generations prayerfully and sacrificially be ALL in to help ONE more find and follow Jesus by:
• WELCOMING ONE MORE PERSON by inviting them into the life-changing work of Jesus.
• IMPACTING ONE MORE LIFE by taking ownership in helping people find their identity and purpose in Jesus.
• CHASING ONE MORE OPPORTUNITY by preparing both spiritually and financially for the dreams we believe God has for us in the future.
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” – Luke 4:18-19
Families saying yes: 522
Dollars received: $2,999,214
[goal: $3.2m]
Our residency program empowers the next generation of leaders in the church by allowing them a place to grow in a hands-on ministry environment, discovering their gifting and calling to a career in ministry.
December 2024 Update: Our residency program has graduated 15, with 10 continuing into ministry positions. Two are now FT at Generations.
In October 2022, we launched our new Online Campus, a video product catered specifically to a digital audience. We’re focused on identifying and equipping those that call Generations their home, regardless of where they attend from.
We’ve invested $150K into new technology to enhance our video and audio capabilities.
With an exciting vision laid out, we can’t wait for the future of pastoring people digital spaces.
December 2024 Update: Tech upgrades for our Online Campus are complete and in Windsor, we have repositioned for new growth.
Part of the All For One vision is to create freedom with our facilities and finances to say “yes” to every opportunity God has for us in the future.
Our most recent All for One project was the construction of a new gKids playground at the Greeley Campus, and repairing a drainage issue by our gKid’s classrooms [total project cost approx. $300k]. A new playground is a huge first impression for families with children. New families are a huge area of growth for us, and we’re consistently seeing young kids find a passionate home at Generations!
December 2024 Update: With facilities, we’ve improved drainage, added a new playground, remodeled our youth space, and we’ve replaced significant areas of carpet at our Greeley facility. With finances, we’ve paid down $2,168,778 in debt, minimizing our mortgage to $1,689,177.

Generations is built on relationships. Everyone has a seat at the table. Our communities are filled with people who crave connection, authenticity, and are looking for a place to truly belong. Jesus welcomed everyone. The lonely and the popular, the broken and the healthy, the marginalized and the privileged, and everyone in-between.
We believe an empty seat is a serious matter. We want to maximize our potential in all of our environments, both physical and digital.
A changed life starts with an open door, so let’s open as many doors as we can!

Lasting life change usually starts with a meaningful relationship. Said another way, it starts with us. Jesus intentionally invested into the lives of those around Him, and when we do the same, it leads to tremendous impact in our community.
We know welcoming is working when more people are in the seats and in the chat room, but true impact happens when a person discovers their identity and purpose in Jesus, and begins sharing Him with others.
We envision a future where we have new opportunities for all people, regardless of age or context, to find meaningful ministry with others.

We’re wildly optimistic about the opportunities we have to reach the next person for Jesus, both now and from now on. The message of Jesus never changes, but the methods we use to share the Gospel will constantly evolve.
We want to meet people where they are. Innovating and offering creative, outside-the-box opportunities for people to worship and engage with Jesus right where they are, and when they’re available.
We want to attack the financial hindrance of debt in order to free up every resource possible to chase opportunities to multiply the hope and love of Jesus across Northern Colorado and beyond.
We believe we can be good stewards of what we have as we also prepare for and dream of what God will bring us in the future. By making some key investments into our current ministries and facilities now, we can maximize our potential to see life-change in our communities. And by removing current debt, we’re freed up to invest money into the people and opportunities we’re hopeful God will bring us in the future. Whether it’s another campus, a partnership opportunity, or a ministry avenue that we can’t even understand right now, we want to be ready to say yes. Here’s how we see this happening…
If the size of your vision shrinks to the size of a room you can fill, you’ve missed the church’s mission. – Carey Nieuwhof
The advancement of technology and social media offers us an unprecedented opportunity to expand the reach of the Gospel to impact lives in digital spaces. With a vision to embrace technology and a passion to leverage every tool possible to help one more person find and follow Jesus, we believe further development of our online campus will provide tremendous opportunity for life change.
An online campus allows us to extend our reach beyond Northern Colorado (we have viewers from all 50 states, and 20+ countries worldwide), and it’s also the most effective way to drive in-person attendance (80%+ of first time guests watch online before attending in person).
Don’t we already have an online campus? We do! But our focus has been on live streaming our worship experiences. Our vision includes a desire to build upon the life-change we’ve already seen online by reaching and caring for people the other 167 hours of the week. Whether gathering in person or distributed across the country and connected online, people can call Generations home.
Does online church really work? Inarguably, it does! American churches see an average adult attend 1.2 out of every 3 weeks in person. Churches that offer a meaningful online experience see their attendance increase to 2.2 out of every 3 weeks on [Barna]. With specific and meaningful content that spans
beyond just Sunday, we’ll see the opportunity for personal development and ownership increase dramatically.
The future of the church is theirs, so let’s empower them now.
Residency is a 12-24 month hands-on program for college students to receive real-world ministry experience in a local church setting. It’s a training ground to put their education into practice in an environment that lets them grow as a leader, explore different avenues of ministry, and jump start their career in impacting people for Jesus. We provide a host family and a monthly stipend. They are placed under a staff member to equip and lead them in their desired area of ministry, and a mentor to develop them spiritually and offer personal growth.
Wait… Don’t we have a program already? We do! Our vision is to expand both the time-frame that a resident commits to, and the number of residents we host at one time. Increasing the number of simultaneous residents allows more areas of ministry to grow faster. With more areas of Generations having young leaders to equip, we most-effectively use our current staff and resources to see more lives impacted.
How does this help the next generation? Working in ministry is challenging. A lack of experience is the leading cause of burnout and failure. In fact, 85% of ministry grads are out of ministry within 5 years [Fuller Seminary]. To help, many Christian universities now require an on-site residency at a local church to graduate. Generations is the perfect place, offering a curated environment for discovery of giftedness, calling, and church culture. All while being given real opportunity to lead and learn ministry.
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” – Colossians 3:23
In Windsor, we have specific goals we are looking to accomplish. We want to see each person take a step in one of these three areas:
1. Consistently attend 3/4 weeks to build momentum.
2. Build our serving teams so each guest and family at the church is welcomed and cared for well.
3. Grow financially by increasing our giving by 50k for each of the next 3 years, allowing us to dream about what and where we do ministry freely down the road.
“So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given.” – 2 Peter 1:5
We’re blessed with great facilities, and part of being good stewards is maximizing what we’ve been given. By making some key improvements to our facilities in the areas of kids/youth, technology, and gathering environments, we believe we can continue to create spaces that are both welcoming for all to enter, and practically equipped to offer everyone meaningful connection with Jesus and others.
We are ready to simultaneously invest in our facilities and aggressively attack debt. We want to free up every resource possible to chase opportunities to multiply the hope and love of Jesus across Northern Colorado and beyond.
Improving our facilities and paying down debt allows us to maximize our opportunity to help people find Jesus.
What does this look like?
$300K in existing facility improvements, including: Auditorium video system upgrades, Kids & Youth environments (playground, flooring & youth cafe), Adult environments (Windsor lobby remodel, Greeley small group gathering spaces)
Debt Paydown
Debt as of 10/2021: $3.8M. Making an early principal payment of $2.5M would save over $1.0M in interest, and reduce the length of the loan by 12 years.
Overall All For One goal
Our goal is the percentage of people involved, but raising $3M allows us to accomplish our campaign vision.
After Jesus spoke the words of Luke 4, His first step was to go and recruit disciples to join Him in His mission. That’s our heart for this campaign. We want to see an overwhelming majority of our people unified behind a vision to continue helping one more person find and follow Jesus. Here’s how we see this happening:
• Commit to attending regularly, in person or online, and inviting others from your life into the community that you’ve found at Generations.
• Take a next step in your own faith walk by living out rhythms [worship faithfully, connect intentionally, serve sacrificially, give generously].
• Prayerfully and sacrificially make a financial commitment to All For One either via a one-time gift or a regularly scheduled giving plan.
As we end 2024, let’s finish strong! We’re close to meeting our goals, which will unlock such an exciting future! Getting across the finish line will take about $250K in new giving commitments, 37 new families participating, as ell as families that have already made commitments finishing faithfully (pledged dollars becoming $3.2M received dollars).
Just fill out the commitment card below and we’ll be in touch!
Giving to All for One will be directed to “vision projects” or “debt removal” in a manner that best moves forward our mission. If you would prefer 100% of your gift applied towards debt, designate “DEBT” on the memo line of your gift (on check or when giving online).
If you have a question about giving, or would like to explore creative ways to give (real estate, ag, wills, etc), we’d love to chat!
Generations is a a growing church helping one more person find and follow Jesus. We don’t have it all figured out. We’re messy. But we know that we need Jesus in our lives, and we need others to share life with. We’d love to meet you.